“PostArt # 85 – Come to Venice, Italy, with me

PostArt # 85

Lund, Sweden – August 9, 2020

Dear art photography lover!

I hope you are safe and healthy. It’s Monday and I wish you a good weekbegin 🙂

Perhaps you cannot – or won’t – travel far? We can still travel wherever we want on the Internet. So, today I’ll invite you to go to Venice, Italy, and see what I have seen. It’s the latest portfolio in my art photography home.

As you know and in contrast to many photographers, I offer a background to my photography in that home – not just my images and not just sales information (actually these Venice works are not yet in my shop, so…).

In the meantime…

I’m still waiting for a hopefully green light from the museum in Shanghai for my SPAR Installation to be shown with some ten new photo-and-painting Combines. (I’ll soon send you the portfolio with them).

At this moment, I do not know whether I can participate in the Lund Night of Culture on September 19. There is the Corona effect and I may have to be in China.

Neither do I know about the Art Evening – only that it is now an Art Weekend, October 17-18 in the daytime. For the same reasons.

In the meantime, I upload more portfolios with various themes. There is always something to do!

And now for you – Enjoy fabulous, unique Venice

If you missed PostArt # 84, just click here which was about portraits. And soon I shall have more to tell…

My best

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  1. Dear Jan:

    as always, your photographs are just short of amazing. You seem to have a wonderful knack for capturing the mo(ve)ment and, to a slightly lesser extent, the ambiance. These are two of the quintessential qualities of the great photo artists. I really don’t think you should be shy or self-dismissive about your photographic talents, although – heaven knows – the world could use more humble and self-deprecating people. Although I am no photographic expert, I would easily rank you among the the world’s top-50 living photo artists . And, of course, those colors are amazing, almost hallucinogenic, trance-like. Trippy, even…although I must say that I am not crazy about some of the blurry images. They do something really nasty to my brain, almost trigger a panic attack, I kept adjusting my glasses all the time. There is a feeling of uneasiness, tension about those. If this is what you wanted to accomplish, you definitely made it.

    The though of Venice elicits strange and conflicted feelings, I would say almost Freudian (a popular reaction the current Italian rulers must have lovingly and deliberately cultivated for decades as part of the creation of the Venetian mystique and tourist myth). On one hand, this is the place that shielded the Mediterranean Christians from the harmful impact of the cruel invaders for centuries (Corfu being a prime example); on the other, the Venice dogedom exacted a very high price of essentially seeking to convert all those protected Christians to Catholicism and thereby exacerbated the rift in Christianity that persists to this day.

    And then, of course, there is a trademark Venice decadence and debauchery. I never knew what to make of it although I can kinda understand the strange, mesmerizing fascination the westerners feel when they visit the place. In some ways, it is a quintessential Europe, but in many ways it stands in stark contrast – even conflict – with the remainder of the European worldview. How the hell does one reconcile the debauchery and the morbid visual opulence of Venice with the stark, naked frugality of Lutheranism, Calvinism or Russian monasticism?

    My best, my friend — please stay photogenic :-))

  2. Pingback: PostArt # 86 – Oberg PhotoGraphics is moving… – Oberg PhotoGraphics

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